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(5 edits) (+3)

This is just another of your games that blew me away!! Your characters always seem nicely fleshed out and blunt characters like Souma don't seem like monsters. I found it nice that we were able to pick between two characters this time instead of one like before and it made me feel like I had a more bigger experience then your last game. Also voice activated saying Souma as Sawooma made my game play very enjoyable as well(Spoilers)

I was totally rooting for Mei and Rei when I found out but I'm sad we couldn't see if they were together at the end or not (in my mind they are :') ). However, I do say I have to like Souma more the Izumi because his type of bad ending with the closing of the shop just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. It's so petty :") Oh also, at the beginning I was having such a hard time choosing which one I was going to go for so when I got the stabby ending I was shook u.u. I don't know if it's just me but after the birthday party I feel like getting a bad ending was really easy :")  (but this is also me who probably can't date) 

In the end I just wanna say good work and I loved playing the game a lot!!!^^

(2 edits) (+1)

Aww, thanks :') Super glad you liked the bois. It's good that the option of choice paid off !! This was the first time I ever made something with multiple legit love interests and I was afraid it would come across as unbalanced. But went for it!!! 

Oh lol. You listened to Sawoooma too! If I remember right, it also says Azumi instead of Izumi. It's a treat tbh.


I'll admit, I did crank the point system a little too far, leaving almost no margin of error like I usually do. That's probably why you got the stabbity stab one that often . Woop sorry haha.

Also Oops(2). Everyone's hating on Izumi for that ending... I guess in retrospect that does a leave a horrible taste in ones mouth knowing he's capable of that... But  I mean at least he didn't burn the place down(?) Maybe Souma should've done something horrible too haha.

I'll end by thanking you again for taking the time to review!!Also for playing my other games and the consistent support :')

Thanks for responding and creating these amazing games!!!

Hahaha Souma is good where he is I don't want a reason to hate him lol


Didn't had time to play the game yet, but I must say I really love your UI guys ! Very peacefull, sober and yet elegant **

Thanks :')

It was the first asset we made when we felt like we needed to make this game.


Hey Hey! I've just completed this game and I'll say, damn.

The character interaction made me buckle and the dynamic made it enjoyable! The characters/titles are simple and easy to understand and although the cgs caught me off guard, this game is pretty okay!

Although Souma doesn't pay mind to sugar coating or hesitating to call out on Yuki's bullshit, he didn't 100% come off as a jackass! He was cute and holy hell when he told Yuki he wanted his bone-y ass again I died of laughter.

I honesty felt if this game had a true route, it would be with Souma! I just find it flows better. Also I realize that : [Spoilers come'in]


Izumi had a connection with Yuki's sudden dept pretty early on, but I'm not complaining about that! I'm glad that somehow the game had foreshadowed it with out shoving it in our faces. (Unlike some other games)

I have mix feeling for Izumi, I liked him but when he directly, literally in our face shuts our little 'oh shop, I really wanted to....injure his third leg.  I pity him but dude, stop please. I don't want my affection towards you to drop, please. 

Mei and Rei were quite likeable, Grand-Grand is hell cute! Like a cute little squish-able plush!  

I wonder what would happen if the endings blend together? Like Izumi is still the heir (Through blackmail of course) but is still lover with Yuki. Oh and speaking of their relationship, MY DUDE SOUMA AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!111

Like it's obvious that he likes Yuki, playing through Izumi route made me feel bad...Bone-y ass... Him being drunk, confessing and waking up to see that he's in Izumi's house, and maybe seeing Yuki holding Izumi, MY HEART. (Even pushing him towards Izumi because he knows that's where Yuki's happiness will lies, dude my eyes were sweating)

I can proudly say I got all the achievements and that I cried, excluding us killing Pride-y MCPride Face.  I wonder that was the after math...


Anyhow, I've enjoyed playing the game despite the out of place cgs style change! Nice work lad!

(1 edit)

Hello hello!

Thank you for playing and taking the time to leave such a comprehensive review!!

Congrats on getting all the achievements haha. (and playing through all the parts)

I'm glad you liked Souma!! Enough to feel so strongly about his pining!! ❤️ I wanted to write him as a gruff thug but he kept getting soft at various points. He has a mind of his own lmao.

Please don't kick Izumi... (Even though he fully deserves it at that point) haha. As for the foreshadowing it was honestly a struggle deciding how much was too much, but with your input, feeling more at ease.

Ahh the alternate ending thought does make me wonder. But I feel like that context would have too much drama and  too many challenges to summarize within just an epilogue XD Anything where the press can get you and Pride-y MCPride Face is breathing down your neck will get messy, you can bet.

Thanks again for playing !! :')

Ahaha! No problem~ It was a pleasure! ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡

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